Rainbow Tick
A world first quality framework to help health and human services organisations become safe and inclusive for the LGBTIQ community.
What is it?
The Rainbow Tick is a quality framework that helps health and human services organisations show that they are safe, inclusive and affirming services and employers for the LGBTIQ community.
The Rainbow Tick standards, owned and developed by Rainbow Health Australia, are designed to build lasting LGBTIQ inclusion.
Accreditation is provided through independent assessment, provided by Quality Innovation Performance and Australian Council on Healthcare Standards.
Services can include the six standards as part of their cycle of service accreditation or can apply to do the Rainbow Tick as a stand-alone assessment subject to ongoing reassessment and quality improvement.
Who is it for?
The Rainbow Tick is for health and human services organisations seeking to provide a safe and inclusive workplace and services for the LGBTIQ community. The six standards it incorporates are designed to be used by the whole organisation, but can also be applied to specific services or sites within an organisation.
Accredited Organisations
Thorne Harbour Health
“As a LGBTIQ community-controlled organisation and one of the largest LGBTIQ health service providers in Australia, the Rainbow Tick has helped us demonstrate our commitment to ensuring our accredited services and programs are safe, inclusive and affirming for our clients, volunteers, and staff.”
— Simon Ruth, CEO, Thorne Harbour Health
“With the Rainbow tick, whoever you are, whatever your gender, whatever your sexual orientation, there is a place here for you in this organisation, and you can be proud of that place, and proud of who you are.”
— Quinn Pawson,
CEO, VincentCare
Star Health
“Starting at a workplace that asked me my pronouns and facilitated the use of my preferred name was incredibly encouraging and has helped me to feel comfortable, included and accepted at work.”
— Staff member,
Star Health
How can my organisation become accredited?
Core Program
Designed around the six national standards that make up the Rainbow Tick, the How2 program comprises of weekly group sessions that coach participants through the practical steps involved in embedding LGBTIQ+ inclusive practices within their organisation.
The Six Standards
Organisational Capability
An organisation must be able to demonstrate that it has embedded LGBTIQ inclusive practices across all of its systems and continuously seeks out opportunities for improvements.
Workforce Development
All staff and volunteers understand their responsibilities to LGBTIQ consumers and are trained and able to deliver LGBTIQ inclusive services.
Consumer participation
LGBTIQ consumers are consulted and participate in the planning, development, and review of the organisation’s services.
A welcoming and accessible organisation
LGBTIQ consumers can easily and confidently access services as the physical and virtual environments including information, structures, resources and processes, are welcoming.
Disclosure and documentation
LGBTIQ consumers, staff and volunteers feel safe providing personal information, including their sexual orientation, gender identity and/or intersex status, because they know information will be treated respectfully and that there are systems in place to ensure their privacy.
Culturally safe and acceptable services
Services and programs identify, assess, and manage risks to ensure the cultural safety of LGBTIQ consumers.
We have designed these resources to help services on their journey to becoming safe, welcoming and inclusive for LGBTIQ consumers and staff. If you’d like to understand how they are put into practice, please get in touch with us via the details below.