Rainbows Don’t Fade with Age - LGBTI Ageing & Aged Care Training
Training to help organisations meet new requirements to provide safe and inclusive care for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and intersex (LGBTI) people.
LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care Awareness Training will assist your organisation to build awareness around the experiences and needs of older LGBTI people and provide a stepping stone to understand and implement LGBTI inclusive practice in your service.
Who's it for?
The training is appropriate for a range of staff and roles across the aged care sector and includes interactive activities, presentations of LGBTI research, policy and legislation, case studies, educational videos and facilitated discussion.
Our trainers provide an environment for safe, accessible and open discussion to foster an understanding of the history and experiences of older LGBTI people and how these may impact their access to aged care services. We have experience in working with older people and within the aged care sector, and understand the range of service delivery models, complexities and the range of staff providing support and care. We can assist staff and organisations to become LGBTI aware and provide an introduction to LGBTI inclusive practice.
The purpose of this training is to provide an introductory body of knowledge and frameworks to services and staff providing support to older people across the ageing and aged care sector to enable them to understand experiences and needs, and work towards the development of LGBTI inclusive environments for people of diverse genders, sexualities, and sex characteristics.
During this training, participants will
1. Be introduced to descriptions of sex, gender and sexuality
2. Understand the impact of historical discrimination and be introduced to an evidence base of the experiences of homophobia, transphobia, biphobia and intersex prejudice, and their impacts on the health, wellbeing and visibility for older LGBTI people and barriers of access to care and support as they age.
3. Be introduced to frameworks and strategies (which includes aged care legislative reforms and program) to improve cultural safety for LGBTI consumers and staff.
This program is run on-site, which means we come to your workplace to run the session.
For more information, please contact:
Send a training enquiry
Please note this form is an expression of interest only, after submitting this form our staff will be in touch to confirm your request.